I believe that common sense and forward thinking should be applied when making requests for a project. Sadly others don’t seem to agree.
Notes in January 2014
@annetteIRL Uugh, don’t remind me. That series tailed off horribly.
Should I just withdraw myself as a candidate for the Cleveland @Browns head coaching job now and save some time? This is depressing.
Met @Cmdr_Hadfield and was mostly tongue-tied. Queued for two hours, it was totally worth it. A lovely man. I may never wash my hand again!
@carisenda I can but hope :)
load average: 569.03, 595.46, 541.76. I’m going to guess something isn’t right.
For balance, @Translink_NI drivers I deal with on my route are a nice bunch. Sadly let down by the company they work for at times though.
@Translink_NI Having bus timetables on posters in Lisburn Bus Station would be a great idea. Especially when the screens aren’t working.
Myself and @ryancunning just had a conversation about teapots and the hierarchy of mugs for tea. That’s one way to end the working day.
On the way home from a few leisurely hours shopping in Belfast, after having lunch and catching up with @swmcc. Always a pleasure to see him