Not that I think the general population should :)
Notes in November 2011
People criticising small numbers picketing at places which are on strike clearly haven’t read human resources texts in recent years.
My other gripe regarding @QFTBelfast is tight seating. Uncomfortable if you’re tall. Been that way since the refurb sadly.
Sometimes I despair at the scheduling in @QFTBelfast. Film on for 5 days, all at 3.30, with 1 weekend show. Not helpful if have work.
@QFTBelfast I’m getting the error “Unable to offer seats” when trying to book 2 tickets for It’s a Wonderful Life on the 18th. Sold out?
I’ve just seen Ricky Gervais re-tweeted into my timeline. I’m going to have serious words with the person who passed on that fuck-wittery.
“Congratulations” to @opendatani on completing 667 days without any communication to the world. Two thirds of the way to the big 1000!
@carisenda I assume the draft PFG has a section on opening government data up? Or at least something on FixMyStreetNI, as promised? Eh? Oh..
I’ve just seen a little girl walking down the street clutching a French Fancy and eating with more determination than I’ve ever seen :)
Wholeheartedly recommended RT @blzzrd: We’re down to the last few box sets (Issues Zero to Three). They’re selling like pretty warm cakes.
I’m not 100% on the law with regards to this, but playing Mika in a workplace should allow me to walk out and claim constructive dismissal?
McDonnell making Ritchie look better in retrospect. Takes some doing! I suspect the party may be wishing they could have an election do-over
As I said when Alasdair McDonnell announced he was running for the SDLP leader, if he’s the answer they’ve asked the wrong question.
Enjoying watching @ManyHues watch Alasdair McDonnell speech. She’s getting quite high-pitched.